My Tastiest Go-To (Healthy) Snacks

One of the hardest things for me when I was starting out on my journey to healthier living was learning to snack healthy. It’s so convenient to reach for Cheetos or a sugary granola bar when you’re hungry — but that doesn’t mean those are the healthiest options. A lot of snacks are labeled as “Healthy” like granola bars, but people often overlook the over processed ingredients, and the overwhelming amount of sugar.

When it comes to eating healthy, the rules are simple: eat as many natural foods as you can, and make sure you don’t eat too much of one snack. I have found that eating in moderation is the key. Eating more often throughout the day serves our bodies well! And in turn, it will also help control your appetite. Typically, I start out with a small breakfast, a mid-morning snack (typically a protein shake), lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner, and then finally a small after dinner snack (this is usually when I have something sweeter!).

One of the best things you can do is make your snacks ahead of time so that they are easy to find when you’re home, or easy to pack for work/school. I like to boil about 6-8 eggs for the week in my egg cooker, I will chop my celery and put in the cream cheese, slice up any other veggies or fruit (unless it’s apple, because that’s best cut fresh!), etc. I usually do this on Sundays, right before the work week, but find out what’s best for your routine! You may have to play around with what snacks you like best, and when you like to make them in order to really get a routine down!

1. Celery and Vegetable Cream Cheese

A lot of people I know don’t really like celery. And then some people are either lactose intolerant, or hate cheese (in which case, almond butter is a good substitute). I love these because they are Keto, the celery gives you some water, and the cream cheese gives you protein, but you won’t be too full after eating.

Typically, I get a big stalk of celery, and slice the sticks into 3 or 4 inch smaller sticks. Then, I scoop some of the cream cheese into the groove and voila! You can also get the pre-cut celery, but I find that doesn’t stay as fresh.

2. Apples and Almond Butter

This one is so simple, and so tasty, especially if you (like me) have a sweet tooth! I don’t pre-chop apples because I don’t want them going brown. I do, however, love cold apples, so I will refrigerate them before chopping.

Chop up your apple into slices and then have a teaspoon or two of almond butter. Simple, and great to pop in your lunch bag, or have as a snack an hour or so before bed.

3. Skinny Pop, Almonds, and Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

This is one of my favorites. It’s like trail mix with a twist. I make a small bag of Skinny Pop popcorn, and then mix it with raw almonds (though you can do any kind of nut, just make sure it’s raw), with semi-sweet chocolate chips! That way you have some salty, and some sweet. This one is also good if you just like munching on something between meals.

Again, don’t eat the whole batch in one sitting. Moderation, my friend. Have 1/4 to 1/3 of a cup. If that isn’t enough to ease your hunger, add a little fruit afterwards!

4. Guacamole and Bell Peppers / Hummus and Bell Peppers

Not everyone likes guacamole, just like not everyone likes hummus. I happen to love both, and think they go great with bell peppers, and occasionally carrots.

I personally recommend making your own guacamole (there are tons of recipes online, but I tend to keep mine simple with just avocados, pico de gallo, lemon juice, salt and pepper), but if you don’t want to do that, just peep at the ingredients at the store and make sure you’re getting one of the healthier options.

For hummus, my go-to is the red pepper hummus, just to add a little more flavor. They have so many different flavors, so play around and find which one you love, or even mix it up every once in awhile!

5. Regular Rice Cakes with Almond Butter and Fruit

Find the salt-free or lightly salted rice cakes at the grocery store, lightly add a layer of almond butter, and then add whatever fruit you like!

I personally love putting strawberries on mine. I’ve seen people do blueberries or banana as well. If you want to make it a little sweeter, just add a small amount of those semi-sweet chocolate chips on there.

6. Boiled Eggs and Vegetable

Like mentioned above, I cook about 6-8 eggs in my egg cooker on Sundays so that I have enough for the week. I’ll make more if my husband wants any. Make sure to keep these in the refrigerator only up to one week, shell or no shell. When I’m ready to eat them, I’ll add some Himalayan salt and pepper to add to the flavor.

I like to have bell peppers on the side for these, but you can really choose whatever veggie you want! Carrots, cucumber, celery, you name it.

Eggs are easy to prep, and also great on days where you need extra protein after an intense workout.

7. Sliced Cheese and Nuts

This one is so simple, and it’s been one of my favorite snacks for years. When I was little, I’d eat sliced cheese and pretzels, but nuts are a healthier substitute.

My favorite cheese is Havarti, but I also love to mix it up with smoked Gouda or sharp white cheddar. Whatever your cheese preference, I’d suggest maybe 6 slices off the stick of cheese (don’t make your slices too thick!). Cracker Barrel and a couple of other brands also have the pre-sliced cheeses which come in handy, too.

Almonds are my go-to healthy nut, but have whatever nut you want, so long as they are raw or only lightly salted. I like to have pistachios or cashews with my cheese sometimes, too. Or, get a nut mixture if you can’t decide!

8. Strawberries and Dark Chocolate

Slice up a few strawberries (I do about 4 or 5, unless they are too tiny or too big), and then add some dark chocolate! I get my dark chocolate bars at the store, and will have one or two pieces of it with the strawberries, just enough to ease my sweet tooth.

9. Blue Corn Tortilla Chips and Pico de Gallo

Now, when I say chips, I don’t mean go for the whole bag and chow down. I love the blue corn tortilla chips, but if you want, you can go with whole grain chips, too. I try to only have a handful of these with some Pico de Gallo, which is the perfect little snack. I tend to buy my Pico in the produce department of the grocery store, but you can always make your own!

10. Turkey, Cheese, and Cucumber Roll Ups

You can use ham, or another kind of lunch meat as well, I’m personally just a turkey lover. I especially love the chipotle turkey. Fresh lunch meat from your local deli will give you the tastiest options. I lay out one slice of lunch meat, add whatever cheese I’m craving, slice up a little cucumber, and wrap them up! Super easy. The cucumber gives the simple snack a nice, satisfying crunch.

So, there you have it! I hope these simple healthy snacks help inspire you on your healthy eating path. Remember, moderation is the key, and so is including as many natural, unprocessed foods as possible.

BUT — also remember that it’s okay to have a fun snack sometimes, just not every day or every other day. Maybe once or twice a week, so long as they’re small! Reward yourself for making this change with a small bowl of ice cream, or a tiny bag of Cheetos.

You don’t have to go all out unless you want to. But I will also say, the more you get used to your healthy snacking, those cravings for sugar and salt will come less often.

Good luck and happy snacking!