My Tastiest Go-To (Healthy) Snacks

One of the hardest things for me when I was starting out on my journey to healthier living was learning to snack healthy. It’s so convenient to reach for Cheetos or a sugary granola bar when you’re hungry — but that doesn’t mean those are the healthiest options. A lot of snacks are labeled as “Healthy” like granola bars, but people often overlook the over processed ingredients, and the overwhelming amount of sugar.

When it comes to eating healthy, the rules are simple: eat as many natural foods as you can, and make sure you don’t eat too much of one snack. I have found that eating in moderation is the key. Eating more often throughout the day serves our bodies well! And in turn, it will also help control your appetite. Typically, I start out with a small breakfast, a mid-morning snack (typically a protein shake), lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner, and then finally a small after dinner snack (this is usually when I have something sweeter!).

One of the best things you can do is make your snacks ahead of time so that they are easy to find when you’re home, or easy to pack for work/school. I like to boil about 6-8 eggs for the week in my egg cooker, I will chop my celery and put in the cream cheese, slice up any other veggies or fruit (unless it’s apple, because that’s best cut fresh!), etc. I usually do this on Sundays, right before the work week, but find out what’s best for your routine! You may have to play around with what snacks you like best, and when you like to make them in order to really get a routine down!

1. Celery and Vegetable Cream Cheese

A lot of people I know don’t really like celery. And then some people are either lactose intolerant, or hate cheese (in which case, almond butter is a good substitute). I love these because they are Keto, the celery gives you some water, and the cream cheese gives you protein, but you won’t be too full after eating.

Typically, I get a big stalk of celery, and slice the sticks into 3 or 4 inch smaller sticks. Then, I scoop some of the cream cheese into the groove and voila! You can also get the pre-cut celery, but I find that doesn’t stay as fresh.

2. Apples and Almond Butter

This one is so simple, and so tasty, especially if you (like me) have a sweet tooth! I don’t pre-chop apples because I don’t want them going brown. I do, however, love cold apples, so I will refrigerate them before chopping.

Chop up your apple into slices and then have a teaspoon or two of almond butter. Simple, and great to pop in your lunch bag, or have as a snack an hour or so before bed.

3. Skinny Pop, Almonds, and Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

This is one of my favorites. It’s like trail mix with a twist. I make a small bag of Skinny Pop popcorn, and then mix it with raw almonds (though you can do any kind of nut, just make sure it’s raw), with semi-sweet chocolate chips! That way you have some salty, and some sweet. This one is also good if you just like munching on something between meals.

Again, don’t eat the whole batch in one sitting. Moderation, my friend. Have 1/4 to 1/3 of a cup. If that isn’t enough to ease your hunger, add a little fruit afterwards!

4. Guacamole and Bell Peppers / Hummus and Bell Peppers

Not everyone likes guacamole, just like not everyone likes hummus. I happen to love both, and think they go great with bell peppers, and occasionally carrots.

I personally recommend making your own guacamole (there are tons of recipes online, but I tend to keep mine simple with just avocados, pico de gallo, lemon juice, salt and pepper), but if you don’t want to do that, just peep at the ingredients at the store and make sure you’re getting one of the healthier options.

For hummus, my go-to is the red pepper hummus, just to add a little more flavor. They have so many different flavors, so play around and find which one you love, or even mix it up every once in awhile!

5. Regular Rice Cakes with Almond Butter and Fruit

Find the salt-free or lightly salted rice cakes at the grocery store, lightly add a layer of almond butter, and then add whatever fruit you like!

I personally love putting strawberries on mine. I’ve seen people do blueberries or banana as well. If you want to make it a little sweeter, just add a small amount of those semi-sweet chocolate chips on there.

6. Boiled Eggs and Vegetable

Like mentioned above, I cook about 6-8 eggs in my egg cooker on Sundays so that I have enough for the week. I’ll make more if my husband wants any. Make sure to keep these in the refrigerator only up to one week, shell or no shell. When I’m ready to eat them, I’ll add some Himalayan salt and pepper to add to the flavor.

I like to have bell peppers on the side for these, but you can really choose whatever veggie you want! Carrots, cucumber, celery, you name it.

Eggs are easy to prep, and also great on days where you need extra protein after an intense workout.

7. Sliced Cheese and Nuts

This one is so simple, and it’s been one of my favorite snacks for years. When I was little, I’d eat sliced cheese and pretzels, but nuts are a healthier substitute.

My favorite cheese is Havarti, but I also love to mix it up with smoked Gouda or sharp white cheddar. Whatever your cheese preference, I’d suggest maybe 6 slices off the stick of cheese (don’t make your slices too thick!). Cracker Barrel and a couple of other brands also have the pre-sliced cheeses which come in handy, too.

Almonds are my go-to healthy nut, but have whatever nut you want, so long as they are raw or only lightly salted. I like to have pistachios or cashews with my cheese sometimes, too. Or, get a nut mixture if you can’t decide!

8. Strawberries and Dark Chocolate

Slice up a few strawberries (I do about 4 or 5, unless they are too tiny or too big), and then add some dark chocolate! I get my dark chocolate bars at the store, and will have one or two pieces of it with the strawberries, just enough to ease my sweet tooth.

9. Blue Corn Tortilla Chips and Pico de Gallo

Now, when I say chips, I don’t mean go for the whole bag and chow down. I love the blue corn tortilla chips, but if you want, you can go with whole grain chips, too. I try to only have a handful of these with some Pico de Gallo, which is the perfect little snack. I tend to buy my Pico in the produce department of the grocery store, but you can always make your own!

10. Turkey, Cheese, and Cucumber Roll Ups

You can use ham, or another kind of lunch meat as well, I’m personally just a turkey lover. I especially love the chipotle turkey. Fresh lunch meat from your local deli will give you the tastiest options. I lay out one slice of lunch meat, add whatever cheese I’m craving, slice up a little cucumber, and wrap them up! Super easy. The cucumber gives the simple snack a nice, satisfying crunch.

So, there you have it! I hope these simple healthy snacks help inspire you on your healthy eating path. Remember, moderation is the key, and so is including as many natural, unprocessed foods as possible.

BUT — also remember that it’s okay to have a fun snack sometimes, just not every day or every other day. Maybe once or twice a week, so long as they’re small! Reward yourself for making this change with a small bowl of ice cream, or a tiny bag of Cheetos.

You don’t have to go all out unless you want to. But I will also say, the more you get used to your healthy snacking, those cravings for sugar and salt will come less often.

Good luck and happy snacking!

My Top 100 Movie List

I’ve got to start out by saying that everyone has different tastes in movies. Heck, some people I know don’t even watch movies (which personally, I think is insane).

I thought it would be fun to create my Top 100, as I absolutely love movies, and love studying movies in my spare time.

My taste is a little unique. I’m a huge horror movie buff, so there will be a lot of those on this list. But I also love comedies, romance, drama, action.

This list was actually really hard to make! I know that I missed some of my favorites. These aren’t exactly in order from my least favorite to my favorite, but the top 10 is pretty accurate.

Got movie recommendations? Please comment and let me know! My husband and I are always looking for new movies to watch.

Me at the Titanic museum in Pigeon Forge, TN

My Top 100 (subject to change, obviously!):

  • 100. A Haunted House
  • 99. Twister
  • 98. Zombieland
  • 97. Across the Universe
  • 96. Chernobyl Diaries
  • 95. The Breakfast Club
  • 94. Raw
  • 93. Practical Magic
  • 92. Scream
  • 91. Knocked Up
  • 90. It Comes at Night
  • 89. Magic Mike XXL
  • 88. Last Shift
  • 87. World War Z
  • 86. Spider-Man: Homecoming
  • 85. Hereditary
  • 84. Music & Lyrics
  • 83. Doctor Dolittle
  • 82. Slumdog Millionaire
  • 81. Train to Busan
  • 80. Accepted
  • 79. Wolf Creek
  • 78. Pineapple Express
  • 77. Jumanji
  • 76. The Devil Wears Prada
  • 75. This is the End
  • 74. When Harry Met Sally
  • 73. The Last House on the Left (1972)
  • 72. Dead Poets Society
  • 71. The Amityville Horror (1979)
  • 70. Mean Girls
  • 69. The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
  • 68. Girls Trip
  • 67. Silver Lining’s Playbook
  • 66. Spider-Man (2002)
  • 65. Romeo & Juliet (1996)
  • 64. Independence Day
  • 63. Superbad
  • 62. House of 1,000 Corpses
  • 61. Bridget Jones’s Diary
  • 60. Daydream Nation
  • 59. V/H/S
  • 58. The Mothman Prophecies
  • 57. Patch Adams
  • 56. 10 Cloverfield Lane
  • 55. Interview with the Vampire
  • 54. Miss Congeniality
  • 53. Insidious
  • 52. Arrival
  • 51. Guardians of the Galaxy
  • 50. The Exorcist
  • 49. The Birdcage
  • 48. Can’t Buy Me Love
  • 47. You’re Next
  • 46. Hercules
  • 45. The Cabin in the Woods
  • 44. Searching
  • 43. Jaws
  • 42. Cloverfield
  • 41. A Walk to Remember
  • 40. Bridesmaids
  • 39. Saw
  • 38. Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil
  • 37. The Ritual
  • 36. The Road to El Dorado
  • 35. The Babadook
  • 34. Deadpool
  • 33. Cabin Fever (2002)
  • 32. Prometheus
  • 31. Sixteen Candles
  • 30. Jurassic World
  • 29. Friday the 13th (1980)
  • 28. The Blair Witch Project
  • 27. Emperor’s New Groove
  • 26. Moulin Rouge (2001)
  • 25. The Conjuring
  • 24. Mulan
  • 23. The Land Before Time
  • 22. Bohemian Rhapsody
  • 21. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Party 2
  • 20. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  • 19. Crazy Stupid Love
  • 18. Legally Blonde
  • 17. Aliens
  • 16. 10 Things I Hate About You
  • 15. Aladdin
  • 14. Viral
  • 13. The Wolf of Wall Street
  • 12. Get Out
  • 11. The Silence of the Lambs
  • 10. The Lion King
  • 9. Princess Mononoke
  • 8. A Quiet Place
  • 7. Evolution
  • 6. Halloween
  • 5. Pulp Fiction
  • 4. Jurassic Park
  • 3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
  • 2. Titanic
  • 1. Alien

How I Learned to Love My Body

Like many teenagers and women of all ages, I have always had issues with my body image. Especially growing up. I’d always get made fun of for my breasts, because I blossomed earlier than most. I had no balance on my bottom half, which made me very self conscious about showing off cleavage. I wore baggy t-shirts throughout middle school to try and hide the girls. I refused to wear tank tops until my senior year of high school because of hyper-pigmentation (dark spots) on my left shoulder. I only started wearing them after I got a tattoo to cover my spots up. I also had horrible acne. I mean, horrible. And it wasn’t just on my face – I had it on my chest and back as well. I was often accused of being anorexic, though I was not. My metabolism was higher than most peoples, and as much as I tried to have what I deemed a “normal” body type, I never gained weight.

Me before weight gain – about 115

I got over the big boob thing eventually. Boys in high school always talked about them, but I learned to ignore them. They were just boobs, and certainly not anything to be ashamed of.

As a twenty-four year old, my acne is mostly under control, but I still have days (sometimes weeks!) where I breakout. I’m still self-conscious about acne from time to time, mostly because I spent most of my adolescence covering up pimples and hiding my face with my hair. I finally discovered the beauty of concealer and a good foundation. But more importantly, I finally figured out a good skincare routine (oily-skin types need moisturizers too! Who would have thought?)

In 2016, I got back on my antidepressant (Lexapro) for my panic disorder. I also got on a new birth control (Nexplanon). Seemingly overnight, I gained 30 pounds. I went from a comfortable 125 pounds at 5’4″ to close to 150 pounds. I had never gained this much weight all at once – stretch marks appeared in the worst places, and my self-esteem plummeted. My face looked more plump, my thighs juicier. I was happy that I the hips I’d developed looked more full, but that was about it.

At the time, I had no idea why this happened. I never had to worry about this before! I spent my whole life up until that point eating whatever I wanted, when I wanted, and never having to do any physical activity. I avoided sports because I am a clumsy person, and never found joy in them. Eventually, I figured out that I had suffered from a side effect of the Nexplanon, which was weight gain. I got the Nexplanon removed, but the weight stayed on.

After sulking and not knowing what to do about this for over half a year, I decided this: it wasn’t about the weight gain. My body was different, but just because I had gained weight, didn’t mean I was unhealthy. I was unhealthy because of my lifestyle: eating whatever, and not doing an ounce of physical activity!

After weight gain – about 150

So, I started going to the gym, but I had no idea what the hell I was doing. Eventually did my research, and knew what to do, but actually going to the gym was hard for me. I didn’t have an accountability group, didn’t have a consistent gym partner, and was so busy with obtaining my Bachelor’s Degree, that I fell short on my goals.

Worse than that, I had no idea how to get the nutrition I needed for weight loss. I tried the Keto diet, but that just wasn’t for me. I need some form of carbs occasionally! Counting calories wasn’t going to cut it – I still ate poorly at least once a day, so I never saw the results. I maybe lost 5 pounds with my occasional gym trips, walking, and counting calories. But I still didn’t feel great mentally or physically. I had to do something else.

This isn’t where I tell you there is a magical cure. Staying healthy when there are so many unhealthy options out there is hard. Finding out what works for YOU is hard. I have friends who love going to the gym, and who can’t workout from home. I have friends, like me, who prefer to work out from home. I have friends who thrive on Keto, who thrive doing Weight Watchers. I have friends who make their own diets/meal plans, and that’s great!

I found that I needed structure. I needed people to keep me accountable! I needed someone to tell me how to workout, how often to workout, and how to keep proper form. I needed someone to give me a guide to what I should have been eating to gain some weight, and then once I reached my goal, maintain that weight.

So, I started a program after watching a fellow military wife thrive in the same program. (This program is Beachbody – and I’m not trying to sell it to you. If you have questions about the program, please feel free to e-mail me!) This program had everything I wanted. I was excited!

This program works for me because it’s at home. I have not been as active with it now that I am 7 weeks out from giving birth, but I have stuck to doing 2-3 workouts a week (I used to workout 6 times a week!).

By being able to just come home after work and press play, I didn’t have excuses anymore. The program came with meal replacement shakes, as well as a nutrition guide. I joined other men and women in accountability groups, and showed up every day for them and myself! I thought that the adjustment of eating would be hard, but after about 2 weeks, it was habitual, and so was working out. After mt first 3 week program, I lost about 11 pounds. In the middle of my second, I had lost a total of 25 pounds.

BUT – it wasn’t about the weight. Yes, I loved looking in the mirror and seeing the difference. My thigh fat went down, and turned into muscle. My tummy became flatter. But I learned to love the parts of my body that grew more than the parts that shrunk. I loved how my biceps became toned! I loved seeing tiny ab muscles pop up. My calves popped, my booty lifted. It was wonderful looking into the mirror and seeing this healthy transformation.

Right after I hit my goal weight of 125 pounds, and was in the middle of a more intense program with Beachbody, I found out I was pregnant. I had to go a little lighter on the workouts, but kept with the nutrition program as best I could. And then the morning sickness kicked in, and I’d be lucky if I could keep down a slice of pineapple! I lost 15 more pounds just from being unable to eat.

Me about a month ago – 140 pounds and pregnant!

I was 100 pounds in high school. And even though I was still heavier during the first trimester than I was in high school, I felt so skinny. I looked in the mirror at my deteriorating muscle tone, and felt so sad. I missed having the weight on! I missed my curves, my muscle, and looking and feeling strong. Months prior, I probably would have loved that I lost that weight.

Luckily, I’ve gained my weight back. My muscle is there, but not as defined. I cannot wait to have this baby, recover, and dive back into my nutrition and workout routine. It truly has become such a large part of my life, I could not imagine turning back to my old ways.

I learned that it isn’t about the weight. I was beautiful at 150 pounds and I was beautiful in high school at 100 pounds. Loving your body means feeling your best, and treating it how it deserves to be treated!

My weight may fluctuate, but damn I love my body. It became so strong, and it will be strong again very soon.

I may break out from time to time, but damn I love my body. Maybe I was a little stressed, maybe I need to chill and use a face mask.

There are days where I wake up and feel like a horrible mess, but damn I love my body! It’s just a feeling, and it will pass.

So, treat your body well. Know that if you sit around and do nothing, nothing will change. And if you don’t feel a need for a diet or workout change, I hope you’re still happy in your own skin. All bodies are beautiful. All bodies deserve to be loved. If you’re unhappy, I hope you find what works for you. Because I guarantee, you will find it if you don’t give up.

The Day We Found Out

I am currently 33 weeks pregnant, and am just now sitting down to write this. I knew I needed to write about one of the best days of my life, even if I’m writing it a good 28 weeks later.

After a couple of months of trying to conceive, my husband was convinced I was pregnant. I’d gotten a negative in August, and wasn’t so convinced. I knew that for a lot of people, pregnancy doesn’t come that easy. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, especially after being on birth control for almost ten years.

I boarded a plane to Tampa, Florida, to visit my grandparents for a week. For the first time ever, I was actually anxious on my flight. I didn’t really know why – I usually enjoyed flying alone, and listening to music while miles and miles up in the sky. I’ve always found something peaceful in looking out the window and looking at how big the world is down below. So, I figured my anxiety was just acting up more than normal that day.

While at my grandparents, I felt slight cramping. My period wasn’t due for another week or so, so I knew it couldn’t be that. I figured I’d worked out too hard the day before. I told my husband this via text and he replied, “Yeah, because you’re probably pregnant.” Crazy husband, I thought. It would be way too soon to tell. I also wasn’t convinced I would be pregnant after the second month of trying.

Besides the slight cramping, I felt like my usual self while in Tampa. I was hungrier than usual, but seeing as I usually felt this way at my Grandparent’s (Grandma loves to make me her chocolate cake, and I am very happy that she does!), I thought nothing of it.

My anxiety was worse when I got on the plane back home. My fingers were clenched the entire ride, and I had to go to the bathroom to put some cold water on my face and neck. To make matters worse, when I got to the airport, my husband and I couldn’t figure out how to meet up with one another in the crazy airport traffic.

After we finally reunited and after brooding for a good ten minutes, my husband told me I needed to take a test as soon as we got home. No, I said. It was too soon to tell, and I didn’t want to get disappointed. But, as my husband does, he convinced me eventually.

So, as many women do, I went and peed on the magical stick after saying hello to the dogs and unloading my luggage.

I absolutely refused to look at the stick. I knew it was negative. I sat on the bed, and when the timer on my phone went off, I looked at my husband, on the verge of tears. So, he went and looked for me. A lot of people asked me when we announced that I was pregnant, how my husband reacted. I always laugh and tell them that HE had to tell ME. I almost started sobbing when my husband came out of the bathroom, acting glum. He loves to do this thing where he acts like he’s disappointed, and then he almost convinces me he’s being genuine, and then BOOM he gets all happy. So, he came out and said something along the lines of, “I’m sorry, baby….but we’RE GONNA HAVE TO SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON DIAPERS BECAUSE YOU ARE PREGNANT!”

I started crying then, for sure. I still didn’t believe him, but he picked me up and started spinning me around.

I went into the bathroom and saw the faint line next to the dark line on the right. Later that night, I’d take like, two or three more tests because I was convinced the sticks were lying to me. It took my friend telling me, “Oh my god, you’re definitely pregnant, stop freaking out!” like a week later for calm down and start believing.

James, my husband, went outside at sunset and the sky was pink. From then on out, he firmly believed our baby would be a girl (and he would be right!). Growing up, I’d always wanted boys. But, when I got pregnant, I instantly wanted a girl. I was never as sure of the gender as James, but he is ecstatic to meet his little princess soon.

I told my two best friends right away. My husband called his uncle. I wanted to wait and tell my family until I got the pregnancy confirmed by the doctor, and told them a couple of weeks later. I have hard time keeping things from my parents!

We went to Publix the day after to get subs and some groceries. James told the people in line I was pregnant, and the people in the deli. A day or two later he shouted it to our neighbors with a huge grin on his face. I didn’t want to tell anyone yet, but let him have some fun. I think his excitement about being a Papa was one of the best things I’ve ever seen.

We’ve now got about 7 weeks left, and we are so excited with each passing day. I know things are going to change drastically for us (and our pets!), but we’re ready for this new adventure. We’ve loved our baby girl every second of every day since we found out, and we can’t wait to hold her.

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