The Day We Found Out

I am currently 33 weeks pregnant, and am just now sitting down to write this. I knew I needed to write about one of the best days of my life, even if I’m writing it a good 28 weeks later.

After a couple of months of trying to conceive, my husband was convinced I was pregnant. I’d gotten a negative in August, and wasn’t so convinced. I knew that for a lot of people, pregnancy doesn’t come that easy. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, especially after being on birth control for almost ten years.

I boarded a plane to Tampa, Florida, to visit my grandparents for a week. For the first time ever, I was actually anxious on my flight. I didn’t really know why – I usually enjoyed flying alone, and listening to music while miles and miles up in the sky. I’ve always found something peaceful in looking out the window and looking at how big the world is down below. So, I figured my anxiety was just acting up more than normal that day.

While at my grandparents, I felt slight cramping. My period wasn’t due for another week or so, so I knew it couldn’t be that. I figured I’d worked out too hard the day before. I told my husband this via text and he replied, “Yeah, because you’re probably pregnant.” Crazy husband, I thought. It would be way too soon to tell. I also wasn’t convinced I would be pregnant after the second month of trying.

Besides the slight cramping, I felt like my usual self while in Tampa. I was hungrier than usual, but seeing as I usually felt this way at my Grandparent’s (Grandma loves to make me her chocolate cake, and I am very happy that she does!), I thought nothing of it.

My anxiety was worse when I got on the plane back home. My fingers were clenched the entire ride, and I had to go to the bathroom to put some cold water on my face and neck. To make matters worse, when I got to the airport, my husband and I couldn’t figure out how to meet up with one another in the crazy airport traffic.

After we finally reunited and after brooding for a good ten minutes, my husband told me I needed to take a test as soon as we got home. No, I said. It was too soon to tell, and I didn’t want to get disappointed. But, as my husband does, he convinced me eventually.

So, as many women do, I went and peed on the magical stick after saying hello to the dogs and unloading my luggage.

I absolutely refused to look at the stick. I knew it was negative. I sat on the bed, and when the timer on my phone went off, I looked at my husband, on the verge of tears. So, he went and looked for me. A lot of people asked me when we announced that I was pregnant, how my husband reacted. I always laugh and tell them that HE had to tell ME. I almost started sobbing when my husband came out of the bathroom, acting glum. He loves to do this thing where he acts like he’s disappointed, and then he almost convinces me he’s being genuine, and then BOOM he gets all happy. So, he came out and said something along the lines of, “I’m sorry, baby….but we’RE GONNA HAVE TO SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON DIAPERS BECAUSE YOU ARE PREGNANT!”

I started crying then, for sure. I still didn’t believe him, but he picked me up and started spinning me around.

I went into the bathroom and saw the faint line next to the dark line on the right. Later that night, I’d take like, two or three more tests because I was convinced the sticks were lying to me. It took my friend telling me, “Oh my god, you’re definitely pregnant, stop freaking out!” like a week later for calm down and start believing.

James, my husband, went outside at sunset and the sky was pink. From then on out, he firmly believed our baby would be a girl (and he would be right!). Growing up, I’d always wanted boys. But, when I got pregnant, I instantly wanted a girl. I was never as sure of the gender as James, but he is ecstatic to meet his little princess soon.

I told my two best friends right away. My husband called his uncle. I wanted to wait and tell my family until I got the pregnancy confirmed by the doctor, and told them a couple of weeks later. I have hard time keeping things from my parents!

We went to Publix the day after to get subs and some groceries. James told the people in line I was pregnant, and the people in the deli. A day or two later he shouted it to our neighbors with a huge grin on his face. I didn’t want to tell anyone yet, but let him have some fun. I think his excitement about being a Papa was one of the best things I’ve ever seen.

We’ve now got about 7 weeks left, and we are so excited with each passing day. I know things are going to change drastically for us (and our pets!), but we’re ready for this new adventure. We’ve loved our baby girl every second of every day since we found out, and we can’t wait to hold her.

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